Tooth sensitivity after filling

Why does my Tooth Filling hurt after months?

Many questions are asked by patients like Do cavity fillings hurt? In this blog you can find answers to many of your questions related to Tooth fillings and after the tooth filling process.

Tooth fillings are frequently used to restore teeth that have been affected by cavities or decay. The decayed section of the tooth is removed by the dentist during the filling treatment, and the space is filled in with a filling substance like amalgam, composite resin, or gold. This stops more deterioration and aids in the tooth’s restoration. One possible cause of pain in a filled tooth is an excessively high filling, which pushes the tooth against the adjacent teeth as you bite down. Many people experience that they can’t chew after filling. Chewing may become painful or sensitive as a result of this. Furthermore, deterioration and infection may result from holes in the filling or from improper bonding of the filling material to the tooth, which allows germs to enter. In addition, it’s possible that the tooth’s pulp tissue, which contains blood vessels and nerves, has been infected or inflamed, causing pain, if the decay is severe or near to the tooth’s nerve. An uncomfortable tooth can occasionally result from a broken tooth or a filling that has deteriorated or come loose over time.

All things considered, you should see your dentist if you’re having ongoing pain or discomfort in a tooth that was filled months ago. To address the problem and relieve your discomfort, they can evaluate the tooth, determine the underlying source of the pain, and suggest the best course of action.

Does getting a cavity filled hurt?

Individuals may have different experiences when having a cavity filled. Some people may experience some discomfort or mild pain following the treatment, while others may not experience any pain at all. To reduce any potential pain or discomfort, the dentist will usually apply local anesthesia to numb the region surrounding the tooth being treated during the filling procedure. It’s important to remember that pressure or minor discomfort experienced during the operation is common and frequently transient. After receiving a filling, some patients may also feel more sensitive to pressure or cold, but this normally goes away in a few days.

Overall, the use of anesthesia and the dentist’s skill in carrying out the process assist in guaranteeing that the patient has the most comfortable experience possible, even though having a cavity filled may cause some discomfort or sensitivity. Do not hesitate to discuss any worries you may have with your dentist in advance if you are worried about pain or discomfort during a filling operation.

Experiencing nerve pain after a cavity-filling

Cavity filled hurt

Nerve pain following dental fillings can be concerning and indicate an array of possible problems. There are instances when the filling process irritates the tooth’s nerves, causing momentary discomfort or sensitivity. As the tooth heals, this pain usually goes away in a few days. On the other hand, if the discomfort continues or gets worse over time, it might indicate problems like:



Pulpitis: Inflammation brought on by deep decay or trauma during the filling treatment that affects the pulp of the tooth, which is the innermost portion of the tooth and contains blood vessels and nerves.



Pulpal necrosis: The death of the pulp of the tooth as a result of severe trauma, decay, or infection; this condition causes excruciating agony for a long time. Irreversible pulpitis: Severe pulp inflammation that may not go away on its own and necessitates root canal therapy to relieve pain.

Pulpal necrosis

Overhanging filling: A filling that extends past the surface of the tooth may cause pain or discomfort by irritating the nearby tissues and nerves.

Overhanging fillings


See your dentist as soon as possible if you have severe or ongoing nerve pain following a cavity filling. To relieve your pain and maintain the integrity of your tooth, the best dentist in Gurgaon can examine the filling, determine what is causing the problem, and suggest the best course of action.

The following are a few possible treatments for toothache following a filling:

  • Reduce pain and inflammation by taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything that is particularly hot or cold for a few days.
  • Avoid biting on the side of your mouth where the filling was inserted.
  • When brushing, be gentle and use toothpaste designed specifically for sensitive teeth.
  • Remember to floss frequently to keep your mouth healthy.
  • When brushing, make moderate circular motions so as not to aggravate the filled tooth.
  • Eat less acidic foods (citrus fruits, for example) as these can exacerbate dental sensitivity.

Following dental fillings, these treatments can aid in reducing pain and accelerating healing. For additional assessment and care, you must see your Cosmodontist if the discomfort continues or gets worse.