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Bone Grafting and Sinus Procedures

Bone grafting procedure is used in the area of your jaw to build up new bone that used to hold teeth

Bone grafting is a dental treatment that involves adding volume and density to your jaw. For individuals with insufficient bone, bone grafting can be performed to enhance both the quantity and quality of the bone, enabling the successful placement of the implant.

Reasons for Bone loss can be as following:

  • Prolonged absence of one or more teeth
  • Dental conditions related to periodontal diseases
  • Sports or accidental injuries leading to trauma
Bone Grafting and Sinus Procedures

Types Of Dental Bone Grafts









Is It Necessary To Need A Bone Graft Prior To Dental Implant Placement?

The answer is yes. Bone loss is common and therefore bone grafting is commonly required prior to dental implant surgery.

Procedure for Bone Grafting

  • Preliminary Checks & Treatments
  • Anaesthesia
  • Incision
  • Preparation of the graft
  • Closure
  • Recovery
Procedure for Bone Grafting

Sinus Lift Procedure

When there is an insufficient amount of bone in the premolar and molar region of the upper jaw to support dental implants, a sinus lift surgery is performed. This surgical procedure involves elevating the membrane of the maxillary sinus and subsequently placing a bone graft.

Indirect Sinus Lift

In cases where the bone height measures at least 7-8 mm, the indirect technique is employed. The indirect technique involves the use of a specialised kit such as the OSSTEM CAS kit to compact the bone and elevate the sinus membrane. Subsequently, bone graft material is inserted into the newly formed space.

Indirect Sinus Lift

The direct technique is used for lower bone heights.During a direct sinus lift procedure, a small opening is made on the outer wall of the sinus, and a corresponding opening is created in the bone. This void is then filled with bone graft material.

Dental implants can be inserted either during the sinus lift surgery or after it. In cases where the bone height is limited, a healing period of 4 to 6 months is typically necessary for proper bone regeneration following the sinus lift procedure. It is important for the patient to receive regular medical supervision during the postoperative phase.

Bone Grafting and Sinus Procedures

Bone grafts can be obtained from various sources, including autologous grafts taken from different parts of your own body, allografts acquired from bone banks using cadaveric bone, and alloplasts derived from synthetic sources. Following bone grafting ,the placement of implants may or may not occur during the same procedure.

Our Cost for All on Bone Grafting and Sinus Procedures starting @ Just Rs 17,999/-

Some FAQ Questions

What are the side effects of a dental implant?

Dental implants are a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. However, like any other medical procedure, they have potential side effects. The most common side effect is discomfort and swelling at the implant site, which usually lasts a few days after the surgery. Patients may also experience bruising, bleeding, and tenderness in the gums. In rare cases, nerve damage may lead to tingling or numbness in the lips, chin, or tongue. There may also be an increased risk of infection if the implant site does not heal properly. Other possible side effects include implant failure, rejection, and bone loss around the implant. It is essential to discuss all potential risks and side effects with your dentist before opting for a dental implant.

How do dental implants affect the body?

Dental implants are an effective way to replace missing teeth, but some people may wonder how they affect the body. Dental implants are placed in the jawbone; over time, the bone fuses with the implant, creating a stable foundation for a replacement tooth. This process, known as osseointegration, has positively impacted bone health. Dental implants can improve chewing and digestion by restoring missing teeth, leading to better overall nutrition. They can also enhance speech and self-confidence by providing a natural-looking and comfortable tooth replacement option. In rare cases, there may be an increased risk of infection, but with proper oral hygiene and regular checkups, the risk can be minimised.

What is the average treatment time for dental implants?

The average treatment time for dental implants varies depending on several factors, including the patient’s oral health, the number of implants needed, and the complexity of the procedure. The entire dental implant process can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more. The first step involves thoroughly evaluating the patient’s oral health, including X-rays and impressions, to determine whether they are suitable for implants. The next step involves placing the implant into the jawbone, which can take up to several months for the bone to fuse. Once the implant has integrated with the bone, the dentist will attach an abutment, which connects the implant to the replacement tooth. Finally, the dentist will place the replacement tooth onto the abutment. The process may take longer if the patient requires bone grafting or other additional procedures.

How painful is it to get dental implants?

The pain associated with getting a dental implant varies from person to person and depends on the individual’s pain tolerance and the complexity of the procedure. Some patients may experience discomfort or soreness for a few days following the implant surgery, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs. In more complex cases, such as those involving bone grafting or multiple implants, patients may experience more significant pain and discomfort. However, most patients report that any discomfort is manageable and outweighed by the benefits of a fully restored smile.

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